
asp gmbh stands for unique solutions in the business areas AUTOMOTIVE and REHA-/MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. What distinguishes us from other suppliers is our mission of a "Simplified Life". Therefore the core of all asp gmbh activities is simplification. Not only within asp gmbh itself, but also of course for our customers. They should also benefit from simplification and our many years of know-how and experience.

asp gmbh is the perfect "framework" for our business areas AUTOMOTIVE and REHA-/MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY, which enjoy the company's full support and leadership in order to be able to operate profitably. Simplified handling of all business is always a priority so that our employees can fully and completely concentrate on their tasks. This not only ensures that the company runs profitably, but also that our employees are more satisfied. And everyone knows that only satisfied employees are also truly productive employees.

Our mission: Simplified Life

Our mission at asp gmbh is to provide strategic and operational business know-how for our business divisions AUTOMOTIVE and REHA-/MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. It is only when Simplified Solutions are effectively implemented that the company can remain profitable in the long run.

Via our business divisions, we assist you from the first idea to planning and production – practically as a full service provider when it comes to Simplified Solutions. Since we also stand for just-in-time delivery, your individual parts or even preassembled component groups made of steel, aluminium or titanium always arrive on time at your destination.

Through our efficient production facilities, we are not only able to manufacture individual parts that have already been developed, but we can also develop our own prototypes, fully customised to your specifications. We are your go-to partner for installable single components all the way up to complete component assemblies.

Business divisions with a promising future

The business divisions AUTOMOTIVE and REHA-/MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY will also remain the primary focus of our endeavours in the future. Profitable business divisions with a future in which there is still a lot of room for innovations and fresh ideas – and plenty of opportunities to increase productivity through simplified solutions and work together to continually expand.

Our mission of Simplified Life also influences the ideologies of the business divisions: Simplified Complexity for AUTOMOTIVE and Simplified Manufacturing for REHA-/MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. These are integral features of our work, and it is our goal to achieve these with our partners. This all requires highly implementable strategies, which we not only offer to our partners – both internally and externally via employee pipelines – but we also guarantee them.